Luna Dietrich


Fractal Magic

1:1 Pleasure & Somatic Based Business Coaching for
Feminist Witches


drop unnecessary hustle & make money with integrity

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Dear feminist witches and brave creatives,

Do you have big, bold goals for your business?

Want fierce & intimate support bringing them into reality?

Whether that’s…

  • consistent money without the unnecessary hustle

  • disrupting perfectionism around being visible online

  • feeling safe to get paid well for your creative work

  • or gaining the courage to pivot and put out that new offer…

let’s make it happen by going to the root…working with your nervous system.

So you have…

  • the money to travel as much as you please

  • plenty of time to play like a kid again with the people who matter most

  • all while getting to work with dream clients that make you cry happy tears


Book an alignment session below to see if we are good fit for working together 1:1 for my 6 month Fractal Magic Package


It is a feminist practice to base our business in pleasure.

Pleasure-Based Business means consent with our body is essential.

It means we build in systems and strategies that SUPPORT us, not oppress us.

Where play, bravery and messiness are necessary.

Pleasure-Based Business means we are free of guilt about being abundantly well paid.

We embrace nuance and may even make love to complexity.

Our services center impact & care and are true win-wins.

Magic and mindset are taken seriously without spiritually bypassing systemic issues.

We make sure celebration, embodiment, and boundaries are built in.

It means we don’t just rely on bro-marketing strategies to make decisions but consult with our bodies, our spirits.

It means we expand our nervous system capacity to expand our possibilities.

And one where we never, ever feel like we have to do it alone.

If you are tired of the hustle culture and rigid scripts, and want practical, trauma resolution trained, step by step support WHILE also getting to safely embody your magical boss witch self…

Come deep dive with me and let’s build and shape your badass world changing business.


“Working with Luna, and investing in Fractal Magic (and the Glimmer), has been the best gift I’ve ever given myself and my business. Luna is a kind, sensitive, attuned, deeply compassionate and wise teacher who I feel privileged to have worked with. I have grown SO much as a coach, practitioner, and business person in our time working together and I highly recommend making this investment if you’re ready to step into a radically new, and radically YOU, way of doing business.”


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As a pleasure & somatic based business coach with and trauma resolution lens, I can support you to:

  • Take the ick and perfectioinism out of marketing and do it without paid advertising

    So we can take away the headaches of spending unnecessary hours on canva and more relaxed time showing up social media just like you are chatting with your besties.

  • Have less urgency and more trust, alignment, and stability…

    We can somatically meet your stressed momentum that has you spinning your wheels working 10 hours days and help you reorient to what will actually move the needle in your business with waaay less work hours.

  • Build your nervous system capacity to get paid MORE and more consistently month to month…

    I can’t promise certain numbers here because it depends on one million factors, but whatever your current financial capacity is, we will make space for more money and more ease.

  • Heal your relationship with money…

    So you feel less guilt, shame and fear around money & your personal inherited ancestral imprints from it and more “holy shit, I feel supported by the spirit of money…who knew this relationship got to feel this good?!”

  • Make money in a way that feels in alignment with your values…

    So you feel way less guilt and much more confident with selling. For example, we can bring more consent into your copywriting and how you market by naming systems of oppression rather than following typical marketing tactics of triggering people’s shame, so you feel confident getting your message out there and selling!

  • Ditch the bro marketing rule book and bring more pleasure, permission & embodiment into everything you do…

    Whether that’s how you structure online courses, show up on instagram, or write sales pages, let’s create systems in your business that feel SUPPORTIVE, not oppressive.

  • Set your business up to be a win-win for you and your clients…

    So you stop feeling burnt out and resentful from teaching classes you didn’t actually want to teach but thought it’s what your clients wanted and instead get in alignment with what YOU want and attract the clients who are the perfect fit for that.

  • Separate your self worth from your business…

    so whenever you get tough feedback or positive feedback from a client or student, you feel joyfully unattached and it doesn’t compromise your peace and self worth

  • Launch strategy that helps you stay in pleasure, so you show up again and again until you are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling your sales…

    the name of the game is pleasure and congruence and I will help you find and embody both!

  • Develop a triple threat to your business: nuanced mindset practice that doesn’t spiritual bypass, witchy nervous system practices, and smart simple unique strategy…

    so you embody the energetics of leadership and make decisions like a boss witch

  • Hire and manage team so you feel deeply supported an get lots of time off…

    Picture unapologetically lazy mornings for sipping coffee, doing witchcrafts and cuddling with your fur babies. Emails handled, clients happy.

  • Get comfortable with your erotic energy and power…

    I can help you see pleasure and self care as an INTEGRAL part of business strategy that supports your business rather than takes away from it!

    So you get to feel proud as fuck of your work, bring in lots of money all while working with your nervous system rather than sacrificing it.


You don’t need to do it all alone. You don’t need to be exhausted. You don’t need to be perfect. 

You get to feel safe being paid to be yourself.

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Tired of the mainstream scripts you see of businesses where white cis women perpetuate the patriarchy, but in heels?

Or where exhausted activists swim in systemic guilt & learned rigidity?

Me too.

But I am not fed up with these shady practices because of our own personal shortcomings. These issues are systemic.

Pleasure oppression, hustle culture*, and leader isolation* are fucking with our bodies and our businesses.

These systemic issues breed culture that feeds on our shame and fear and gives us non consensual scripts and rigid rules on how to successfully run our businesses while leaving out integral parts:

Our humanity. Our PLEASURE. Our impact & integrity!

*hustle culture is a term coined by Ruth Newton

*leader isolation is a term coined by adrienne maree brown


Less pleasure oppression, more shared abundance.

Less shame-based marketing, more value led practices.

Less urgent strategies, more relaxed success.

Less leader isolation, more community and collaboration.

Less systemic perfectionism, more brave creativity.

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What Pleasure Oppression, Hustle Culture & Leader Isolation look like in business…

  • Staying stuck due to your fear of failure and criticism.

  • Cringing, shamefaced, while navigating the horrors of living under capitalism, feeling like a fraud or a monster for even considering asking to be paid.

  • Playing small from impostor syndrome; when there is so much out there, what does one have to say or contribute, anyway? Right? How could anyone possibly know enough? What if we HURT someone?

  • Hearing the word marketing and slowly starting to d i s s o c i a t e because it feels sleazy.

  • Tired of business coaches who lack nuance, don’t name privilege, white supremacy, or any system of oppression, and just focus on mindset without addressing the root cause of our struggles.

  • Building a business on trauma, shame and fear rather than our desires and hopes for a different world.

  • Operating out of systemic urgency and cultural anxiety … feeling pressured to perform and produce in a certain amount of time and in a certain way, rather than creating and letting it unfold in a way that uniquely suits you, your body, and your business.

  • Slowly eaten alive by dreaded work … there isn’t any other way, right?! Capitalism sucks and there is absolutely no way to make this better, so better suck it up and endure the gigs we get.

  • It must be done all alone. Can’t ask for help; if someone helps you then you will be indebted, manipulated, controlled, oh my! Psst. There is no such thing as being “self-made.”

  • Exhausted from the grind of 1:1 work and/or doing in-person classes isn’t possible right now. It would be GREAT to have your work reach more people AND financially uplift you.

It doesn’t have to be this way.



“Working with Luna over the past year has been transformational, not only for my business but my life. She has consistently reminded me to consult my body with important decisions and that everything including business gets to be sustainable and pleasure based. She has supported my wins and cradled me through my lows, and continually helped me return to myself and my inner guidance again and again. Thank you Luna <3”


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My Pleasure Based Business Methodology

  • Baby steps. As adrienne maree brown says, “small is all.” We often have our businesses where we want them because we are biting off more than we can chew at one time and are dropping balls. When we slow down, we can speed up because the results will stack over time. This lets our nervous system expand its capacity over time, integrating each new level over time. Each new level of income. Each new level of visibility. Each new level of freedom to express however you’d like to express yourself.

  • Pleasurable Processes. We can get burned out easily when we obsess about the result and don’t get geeky about the process. My method is to, yes, set goals, but also to more focus on making your process of posting on social media, teaching and coaching as pleasurable and joyful as possible. Making it easy and fun. This makes you want to show up again and again. Boom…you’re having fun and getting your big big results: money, freedom and pleasure.

  • Disrupt Rigid Strategies. This mastermind isn’t a one-size-fits-all model. Many different strategies work, but I’ll help you figure out the ones that feel best for YOU. We will help disrupt the rigidity on what you think you SHOULD be doing to make money and get visible in your business, to what you GET to do. What feels pleasurable to YOU.

  • Feeling the fullness of our humanity. You don’t need consistent energy to be consistent. Because you don’t need to be in a “certain vibe” to show up. In the Glimmer, we say “fuck you” to toxic positivity. We stop moralizing our feelings or needing to take action from every single feeling. When we don’t make big meaning out of every single emotion, it’s way easier to let our income be consistent even when our feelings aren’t.

  • Build Shame Resilience and Disrupting Perfectionism. A way to make consistent money in a sustainable, pleasurable way is to let ourselves be messy and make mistakes. We don’t make our businesses about our worth because our worth is inherent. We let ourselves experiment, play and learn. We are more focused on learning and serving others than on how perfect we are perceived.

  • Build a foundation of self trust. Self trust is foundational. Imagine how much easier it is to go after what you want and when you trust you can handle what happens?! Not questioning your own needs.

  • Letting your body be on your side. Our bodies are not the enemy of productivity. I know our bodies can feel like SUCH a burden sometimes.
    But what if the burden was capitalism?
    If it was oppression and all its forms?
    Our limits are gifts. And when we push past them we almost always need to make up for it later. So we partner with our bodies and let our needs be beautiful messengers so we can truly let all aspects of our business and life thrive.

  • Celebrate everything. Because abundance isn’t about how much you can consume, it’s about how much you can integrate.

  • Nuanced, Humanizing, Self Loving Mindset. There are ways to get our brains on our side without bypassing feelings or systems of oppression. You can’t hate and critique yourself to loving yourself. I promise you anxiety is not the only motivator for change, and self hatred is not required for growth. We will practice knowing our worth, no matter how much we contribute or what results we get – so that we can infuse pleasure in every step of the way.

  • Disrupt Urgency. The Glimmer is not a process you binge in three days, it’s embodied undulating support that goes at the pace your nervous system can handle. We are leaving the feast and famine cycles of income. We are dropping unnecessary hustle. We are not running as soon as something feels off or we have doubts. Instead, we practice making big decisions when we feel more resourced and calm, because this will almost always lead to more sustainable results like stable income and pleasure. This isn’t a silver bullet fix, it’s a complete transformation, infusing safety and pleasure in every aspect of your life and business.

  • Form a consensual loving relationship with money. We separate money from capitalism. We practice making money in consensual, non-exploitative ways. In this we heal our relationship to money. We see ourselves as stewards of wealth. We see money being able to amplify who we already are, a witchy tool that you get to get really good at using to cast your spells in the world.

  • Connecting to Magic. As one of my teachers, Simone Seoul, says, we will help you connect to the spirit of your business. There are loving, supportive forces that wants our important work to thrive and reach the right people. Sometimes, what we need is to have a little more trust and remember we aren’t alone. Our work in the world is so much bigger than ourselves.

So that you can…

  • have the freedom to show up just as yourself.

  • make consistent money even when your emotions aren’t consistent.

  • let pleasure be infused every step of the way.


“I would instantly work with you again. No doubt, no hesitation. Just deep appreciation and love. It is a beautiful feeling to have you by my side.”


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Meet Your Pleasure & Somatic Based Business Coach

Luna Dietrich


Hey! I’m Luna Dietrich,

aka the Pussy Witch.

My pronouns are she/they.

As a pleasure based business mindset coach and trauma resolution somatic practitioner, I am trained and skilled at tenderly holding the stuck, overcoupled places in the nervous system until they feel safe and clear to make movements. I hold space for possibility, transformation and getting very clear on what you want and how you uniquely can make that happen.

I love to support brave creatives & feminist witches base their business in pleasure and disrupt systemic guilt, hustle culture, and leader isolation. I’m also a writer, healer, gardener, fantasy reader, dancer and lifelong learner of dismantling white supremacy.

I am offering FRACTAL MAGIC because I’m tired of the mainstream scripts I see: either cis white women trying to replicate patriarchy, spiritual bypassing & hustling their way up a falsely seductive ladder

OR exhausted activists and healers swimming in systemic guilt, terrified of the responsibility of money and leadership.

I am carving out and adding to a different path.

One with nuance, embodiment, fractal magic, collective liberation, and, yes, ABUNDANCE & PLEASURE.

My first digital course reached hundreds of people and made over 20K, with no email list, no paid advertising, and less than 10K of an Instagram following.

I’ve been teaching since 2016 and I’ve now led well over 4,000 students through my online courses. Since 2022, I am making multiple six figures while still having time for life outside of work for other passions like dancing, wild foraging, reading all of the books, my fur babies, and date nights with my sweetie.

"Luna is a teacher among teachers. Their desire to change the world and help their audience grow and lean into their magic is thick and glittering like the milky way. Luna asks you to show up, not only for yourself but for collective liberation. To work with them is to unearth power and knowledge and simultaneously gift it back in an infinite flow of creation and grace."

- Boss Witch Student, 2020

With a feminist framework of Pleasure & Somatic Based Business, my work is trauma resolution trained, spiritually embodied, and rooted in feminism. I love helping feminists and brave creatives, healers, & educators disrupt pleasure oppression in their business by releasing shame, trauma, and internalized prejudices…

…so that we can let pleasure fuel us to show up for our BIG, bold, and heartfelt work & make ourselves proud to be human.

“Luna has helped me heal the subconscious blockages that have been holding me back my entire life. I now wake up everyday with motivation and purpose. I am becoming financially independent by doing what I love. I can't believe this is no longer a daydream!”

- Boss Witch Student, 2020



“Working with you was the most nourishing thing I gifted myself with. Even though it was a lot of money for me during that time - I never, NEVER regretted my decision. Just watching you in your own stability and how you hold me and others in continuous loving care, honoring processes and boundaries, living in great integrity, inviting movement as well as humanness, raising some reality-checkins when needed and always ALWAYS coming back to the main same principles of pleasure and self-love, shifted something within me. Often when we enter a time-wise long container, we have some highlight moments or sessions which stand out while many others are less recognizable/shifting. I can say that EVERY single session shifted something within me and gifted me with something very important. I was regularly blown away by the on-pointness by your voice-notes. I loved how our work deepened over time. I love how it would deepen in the future. I have deep appreciation for your flow with the questions and your ability to SEE me - and ask formidable questions. I sometimes had difficulties in the past taking in advice or feedback because I am VERY much my own stubborn head and absolutely opposed to feeling small or hierarchically lower - and I observe with great love that I never had this feeling with you. I trusted you really quickly. Thank you so much!”


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The Details of 1:1 Fractal Magic

  • Book an Alignment Session with me where I will give you a small somatic example of what our work together might be like to feel out if we are the right fit. These alignment calls are only for clients who are serious about potentially working together.

  • I find sustainable change happens over time. We can have big and quick breakthroughs, but they also need to be coupled with the somatic support to integrate them and sustain the change. My nervous system approach helps hold both. When you nourish and expand your nervous system, you nourish and expand your business. Due to this, I work for a minimum of 6 months. For my 6 month package, we begin with the first two months of three sessions per month and the next four months with two sessions per month. You also have access to telegram voice and text message support Monday-Thursday in between sessions.

  • The nervous system can adapt most easily by brief, frequent attunements/check ins so another big element of my work is including coaching support and conversation in between sessions via voice messages and text with the app telegram Monday through Thursday so you feel supported day by day.

  • If we decide to work together, you will fill out an extensive intake form and then in our first session, we will create a care plan together and come up with tangible goals for the next 6 months

  • You will get access to all of the live courses and calls I’m teaching in all of my programs for one year with the exception of my mastermind.

  • You get immediate access to: my flagship courses, Business Witch and Pleasure Witch Academy, my marketing course, Dirty & Emergent, my journaling course, Take Care: Boundaries & Abundance, my 4 week pleasure based business starter course, Business Witch Essentials, along with monthly live meditations and goals setting with me in the first Monday of every month

  • Each session can be done on zoom or the phone and is about 1 hour and 15 mins long and are offered Monday-Wednesday

  • Typically the sessions are more somatic focused but still have a lot of mindset and some strategy woven in and then the telegram chat is a bit of everything (coaching, mindset, somatic practices, sharing resources, helping you feel out the right strategy, sharing brags/wins, venting/digesting/being witnessed in the ups and downs, bouncing ideas around). 

  • Fractal Magic is my most intimate and transformational offering. It is a commitment of $1333 per month for 6 months.

  • I will not ask you to decide to book Fractal Magic or not during our alignment call. I ask that you make the final decision after our call and will give you 3-5 days to decide.

  • Alignment calls may be booked quickly and will be accepted on a rolling basis, so if you are feeling the pull, book one today

When you nourish and expand your nervous system, you nourish and expand your business.



> Does my business need to have to do with pleasure or somatics?

No! Definitely not. My pleasure based methodology includes pleasure and somatics to help make your business feel better, but your business offers don't need to have anything to do with pleasure or somatics.

> What exactly does this package include?

My work is really focused on the nervous system and expanding our capacity for our desires like ease, pleasure, alignment, wealth, novelty. When you regulate your nervous system, you regulate your business.... I find this is most effective overtime. I work for a minimum of 6 months, beginning with the first 3 months of 3 sessions per month and the next three months with 2 sessions per month.

Each session can be done on zoom or the phone and is about 1 hour and 15 mins long and are offered Monday-Wednesday

The nervous system can adapt most easily by brief, frequent attunements/check ins so another big element of my work is including coaching support and conversation in between sessions via voice messages and text with the app telegram Monday through Thursday so you feel supported day by day.

Typically the sessions are more somatic focused but still have a lot of mindset and some strategy woven in and then the telegram chat is a bit of everything (coaching, mindset, somatic practices, sharing resources, helping you feel out the right strategy, sharing brags/wins, venting/digesting/being witnessed in the ups and downs, bouncing ideas around).

If we decide to work together, you will fill out an extensive intake form and then in our first session, we will create a care plan together and come up with tangible goals for the 6 months You will get access to all of the live courses and calls I’m teaching in all of my programs for at least one year with the exception of my mastermind.

You get immediate access to: my flagship courses, Business Witch and Pleasure Witch Academy, my journaling course, Take Care: Boundaries & Abundance, and monthly live meditations and setting goals for the month

> Does our work together have to be purely about business?

Definitely not. We can work with the very personal. I used to be a sex and relationship coach, so we can cover lots of ground, unshame what needs to be unshamed. We can bring in more pleasure to any and every aspect of your life.

> Do I have to have a business already?


> Is it okay if I'm not full time self employed yet?

Most definitely!




“Working with Luna changed everything for me. The way I see the world, the way I see myself, and most importantly the way I believe in myself. In the 6 months we worked together I launched a business and 2 courses in the middle of months of massive grief. And not only that, but I did it in a sustainable way, something you don't find with many other business coaches. Luna sees me and grounds me with such depth and having her energetic and actual support has allowed me to work towards living a life I could only dream of because Luna makes you feel like you can achieve anything you desire.”

-Olivia Hollard

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Fractal Magic is my most intimate offering. It is a commitment of $1333 per month for 6 months.

book an alignment session to see if we are good fit for my 1:1 somatic & pleasure based business coaching package,

Fractal Magic

for mentorship, more embodied leadership, & more money with pleasure & integrity

spots may are accepted on a rolling basis and may fill up quickly