Luna Dietrich



 A year long business mentorship course for feminist witches to build financial abundance, somatic resilience, & skills for more sales


It is a feminist practice to base our businesses in pleasure and embodiment.

Pleasure-Based Business means consent is essential.

It means our practices are trauma-informed, somatic rooted, and oriented towards liberation.

Where play, bravery and messiness are necessary.

Pleasure-Based Business means we are free of guilt about being abundantly well paid.

We embrace nuance and may even make love to complexity.

Our services center impact and care.

Magic and mindset are taken seriously without spiritually bypassing systemic issues.

We make sure that celebration, embodiment and boundaries are built in.

And we never, ever feel like we have to do it alone.


We need more well-paid brave creatives, healers & educators who are brave enough to lead with vulnerability.

I’m not talking about the white privilege manifestation model or the “get rich quick” bro culture kind of abundance and leadership.

We are re-writing the rigid & harmful scripts.

We are weaving nuance into everything.

Let’s release toxic perfectionism & systemic guilt.

Let’s bravely base our business in pleasure & embrace embodied leadership to shift the culture of dissociative business.

And let’s not do it alone.

Join us for this year long mentorship, online course, and community membership to create online abundance with a pleasure-based, somatic and feminist lens!


Embodied Business is not about following a rigid & shady 1, 2, 3 formula on how to “triple your sales” no matter its impact on your body, on your clients, or our planet.

It’s about resolving trauma, building shame resilience through community, and basing everything in pleasure.

so that you can…

  • build your capacity to sell whether you are feeling fabulous or frumpy

  • grow deep somatic roots that weather the seasons of business, visibility, and leadership 

  • get clear as fuck in your goals and trust in yourself so you can bring in more money and more magic!


Tired of the mainstream scripts you see of businesses where white cis women try to act like cis men in heels?

Or where manipulation tactics are considered good practice & hustle culture is glorified?

Or where exhausted feminist witches swim in systemic guilt & fear?

Me too.

But we are not fed up with these shady practices because of our own personal shortcomings and a need for more mindset work. These issues are systemic.

Pleasure oppression, hustle culture* and leader isolation* are fucking with our bodies and our businesses.

These systemic issues breed culture that feeds on our shame and fear, and gives us nonconsensual scripts and rigid rules on how to successfully run our businesses while leaving out integral parts:

Our humanity. Our PLEASURE, our embodiment & our integrity!

This year long mentorship, live online course, and community membership is designed for the Business Witch who is craving a different path.

*hustle culture is a term coined by Ruth Newton

*leader isolation is a term coined by adrienne maree brown


"Business Witch opened me up to my own potential and helped me realize that my offerings and my own unique medicine are so valuable and needed. There is space for all of us doing healing work in our communities”

- Business Witch Student


What Pleasure Oppression, Hustle Culture & Leader Isolation look like in business…

  • Staying stuck due to your fear of failure and criticism.

  • Cringing, shamefaced, while navigating the horrors of living under capitalism, feeling like a fraud or a monster for even considering asking to be paid.

  • Playing small from impostor syndrome; when there is so much out there, what does one have to say or contribute, anyway? How could anyone possibly know enough? What if we HURT someone?

  • Hearing the word marketing and slowly starting to d i s s o c i a t e because it feels sleazy.

  • Tired of business coaches who lack nuance, don’t name privilege, white supremacy, or any system of oppression, and just focus on mindset without addressing the root cause of our struggles.

  • Building a business on trauma, shame and fear rather than our desires and hopes for a different world.

  • Operating out of systemic urgency and cultural anxiety and feeling pressured to perform and produce in a certain amount of time and in a certain way, rather than creating and letting it unfold in a way that uniquely suits you, your body, and your business.

  • Slowly eaten alive by dreaded work … there isn’t any other way, right?! Capitalism sucks and there is absolutely no way to make this better, so better suck it up and endure the gigs we get.

  • It must be done all alone. It feels like you can’t ask for help; if someone helps you then you will be indebted, manipulated, controlled, oh my! Psst. There is no such thing as being “self-made.”

  • Exhausted from the grind of 1:1 work and/or doing in-person classes isn’t possible right now. It would be GREAT to have your work reach more people AND financially uplift you.

It doesn’t have to be this way.


Less pleasure oppression, more shared abundance.

Less shame-based marketing, more value-led practices.

Less urgent strategies, more relaxed success.

Less leader isolation, more community and collaboration.

Less systemic perfectionism, more brave creativity.


Together, let’s rewrite this reality, reshape our culture, and give you the emotional resilience and actionable strategies that help you.

Base Your Business In Pleasure & Integrity:

  • Make decisions from a full-bodied yes

  • Develop courage to create and promote your offerings (even when they are imperfect)

  • Take feedback with curiosity and gratitude rather than shut down

  • Develop regular boundary setting

  • Implement pricing that doesn’t lead to resentment!

  • Find relaxed strategies that work for YOU, not hustle culture

  • Name your lineage instead of playing into the myth of being self-made

  • Speak up and be visible - especially when it feels scary to face both your privilege and oppression and all the ways in which they intersect


Embodied Business offers you the space to heal & re-write the toxic & self bullying scripts of hustle culture and shift to a pleasure-based business that is designed by you and for YOU…

…while giving you daily inquiry tools, somatic exercises, community accountability, coaching, and consistent challenges to SHOW UP for your vision.

“I knew I needed to sign up, so I did. I knew the value of this course would be immense, and the price tag was unbeatable.

I am so grateful for the container Luna has created. They validate where you are at, which is wonderful if you are someone that constantly feels as though you aren't doing enough. The course doesn't feel icky, salesy, or drenched in hustle culture. It is honestly just what I was looking for. I have already gained so much and am not even done with the course yet.”

- Business Witch Student


Throughout the year, we will be focusing on the core practices of:

My Pleasure Based Business Method

  • Baby steps. As adrienne maree brown says, “small is all.” We often struggle to take action because we are biting off more than we can chew in one bite. When we break it down into doable pieces, all of the sudden, magic is happening. Results are stacking over time. Breaking it down lets us sustainably expand our nervous system’s capacity. Integrating each new level. Each new level of income. Each new level of visibility. Each new level of shame free expression.

  • Pleasurable Processes. We can get burned out easily when we obsess about the result and don’t get geeky about the process. My method is to, yes, set big juicy goals, but also to focus on making your process of posting on social media, teaching and coaching as pleasurable and joyful as possible. Making it easy and fun. This makes you want to show up again and again. Boom…you’re having fun and getting your big big results: money, freedom and pleasure.

  • Disrupting Rigid Strategies. Embodied Business Witch isn’t a one-size-fits-all cookie cutter model. Many different strategies work, but I’ll help you figure out the ones that feel best for YOU. We will help disrupt the rigidity of what you think you SHOULD be doing to make money, to what you GET to do. What feels pleasurable to YOU.

  • Feeling the fullness of our humanity. You don’t need consistent energy to be consistent. Because you don’t need to be in a “certain vibe” to show up. In pleasure based business, we say “fuck you” to toxic positivity. We stop moralizing our feelings or needing to take action from every single feeling. When we don’t make big meaning out of every single emotion, it’s way easier to let our income be consistent even when our feelings aren’t.

  • Building Shame Resilience and Disrupting Perfectionism. A way to make consistent money in a sustainable, pleasurable way is to let ourselves be messy and make mistakes. We don’t make our businesses about our worth because our worth is inherent. We let ourselves experiment, play and learn. We are more focused on learning and serving others than on how perfect we are perceived.

  • Building a foundation of self trust. Imagine how much easier it is to go after what you want when you trust you can handle what happens?! Imagine how much easier it will be to make daily decisions in your business when you TRUST YOURSELF, whether that’s deciding to take a nap or deciding to go live on insta. Self trust is a form of currency.

  • Letting your body be on your side. Our bodies are not the enemy of productivity. I know our bodies can feel like SUCH a burden sometimes.
    But what if the burden was capitalism?
    If it was oppression and all its forms?
    Our limits are gifts. And when we push past them we almost always need to make up for it later. In pleasure based business, we partner with our bodies and let our needs be beautiful messengers so we can truly let all aspects of our business and life thrive.

  • Celebrate everything. Because abundance isn’t about how much you can consume, it’s about how much you can integrate. Like harvesting chamomile blossoms from your garden, the more you harvest, the more the plant is stimulated to grow more flowers. That’s the power of gratitude and celebration.

  • Nuanced, Humanizing, Self Loving Mindset. There are ways to get our brains on our side without bypassing feelings or systems of oppression. You can’t hate and critique yourself to loving yourself. I promise you anxiety is not the only motivator for change and self hatred is not required for growth. We will practice knowing our worth, no matter how much we contribute or what results we get – so that we can infuse pleasure in every step of the way.

  • Disrupting Urgency. Embodied Business Witch is not a process you binge in three days. It’s embodied undulating support that goes at the pace your nervous system can handle. We are leaving the feast and famine cycles of income. We are dropping unnecessary hustle. We are not running as soon as something feels off or we have doubts. Instead, we practice making big decisions when we feel more resourced and calm, because this will almost always lead to more sustainable results like stable income and pleasure. This isn’t a silver bullet fix, it’s a complete transformation, infusing safety and pleasure in every aspect of your life and business.

  • Form a consensual loving relationship with money. In pleasure based business, we heal our relationship to money. We separate money from capitalism. We practice making money in consensual, non-exploitative ways. We see ourselves as stewards of wealth. We see money being able to amplify who we already are, a witchy tool that you get to get really good at using to cast your spells in the world.

  • Connecting to Magic. As one of my teachers, Simone Seoul, says, we will help you connect to the spirit of your business. There are loving, supportive forces that want our important work to thrive and reach the right people. Sometimes, what we need is to have a little more trust and remember we aren’t alone. Our work in the world is so much bigger than ourselves.

So that you can…

  • make consistent money even when your emotions aren’t consistent.

  • feel magic on the daily like the universe is winking at you nudging you on your next steps

  • become an embodied leader making your inner child proud as fuck



Meet Your Resident Business Witch

Luna Dietrich


Hey. I’m Luna Dietrich, aka the Pussy Witch.

My pronouns are they/them. I’m a Feminist & Pleasure Based Business Coach and somatic practioner. I help feminist witches and movers and shakers base their business in pleasure and disrupt systemic guilt, hustle culture, and leader isolation. I’m a writer, healer, gardener, dancer and lifelong learner of dismantling white supremacy. Raised Catholic and a born people pleaser, knowing what I want, in my sex life and business, hasn’t always been easy.

I’m offering Embodied Business Witch because I’m tired of the mainstream scripts I see: either exhausted activists and healers swimming in systemic guilt, not feeling worthy of the responsibility of money and leadership


cis white women spiritual bypassing or hustling their way up a falsely seductive ladder, only to then burnout too.

I am carving out and adding to a different path.

One with nuance, pleasure, somatics, accountability, and abundance.

My first digital course reached hundreds of people and made over 20K, with no email list, no paid advertising, and less than 10K of an instagram following.

However, I was stuck in the feast and famine cycle. I would make a chunk of money at once, but then didn’t feel safe holding this money so it would evaporate. This led me into urgently launching again. Launching from a place of urgency would exhaust me so I wouldn’t have the capacity to sell again until money ran out. The cycle continued.

Now, with the grounding support of my core pleasure based business principles, I make consistent stable income, have made over 6 figures the past 4 years, have over 10K months every month, have led well over 4,000 students through my courses all while still having time for life outside of work for other passions like dancing, gardening, reading all of my fantasy books, my fur babies, and date nights with my sweetie.

With a feminist framework of Pleasure Based Business, my work is trauma-informed, somatic focused, and justice rooted. I love helping feminists and brave creatives, healers, & educators disrupt pleasure oppression by releasing shame, trauma, and internalized prejudices.

Because I love helping you feel safe being visible just as yourself, make money that feels abundant and well resourced, and let pleasure fuel you to show up for your BIG, brave, and heartfelt work.

"Luna is a teacher among teachers. Their desire to change the world and help their audience grow and lean into their magic is thick and glittering like the milky way. Luna asks you to show up, not only for yourself but for collective liberation. To work with them is to unearth power and knowledge and simultaneously gift it back in an infinite flow of creation and grace."

- Boss Witch Student, 2020



"Luna has created such a wonderful space to help you grow into your business in an ethical and explorative way. They urge you to get curious about yourself and your way of doing things, and to really dig deep into what you are offering the world. I found out so many delicious tidbits about myself in this process, and I even felt it helpful to explore some of my shadow side as well. It was almost like Luna could read my mind around my fears and insecurities with putting myself out there, and gently guided me through it by helping ME to do the work! I didn't know I could be so brave."

- Business Witch student

"After Business Witch, I feel so much more ready to step up to and show up for the next chapter of my business - being more visible, having a bigger impact, helping more people, making more money. I feel so much more clear in my boundaries, my vision, the value of my work, what matters to me, and how I want to help people...and I'm almost ready to launch my big workbook offer!"

- Business Witch student


What you get


Embodied Business Witch is a year long live mentorship & comprehensive course with Luna Dietrich & consists of 3 parts:

Embodied Business - my signature pleasure based business training for money and more magic

Wealth Alchemy - curated masterclasses based on the collective needs with a focus of embodying abundance, strategies for building wealth, and somatic and witchy resilience to weather the seasons of business and life

Success Spells - monthly embodied goal setting to help make your dreams truly doable with strategy and energetic planning

26 live classes + 22 recorded classes = total of 48 classes.

Embodied Business

We’ll explore the fusion of practical business strategies with a witchy and somatic approach + dive into topics that integrate mind, body, and business for a well-rounded and sustainable entrepreneurial journey so you can…

  • build your capacity to sell whether you are feeling fabulous or frumpy

  • grow deep somatic roots that weather the seasons of business, visibility, and leadership 

  • get clear as fuck in your goals and trust in yourself so you can bring in more money and more magic!

Live Class Frequency: Tuesdays 3-4:30 PM Eastern Time Zone

Embodied Business Live Class Schedule

Embodied Business: Tuesday, February 13th, 2024

Embodied Business: Tuesday, February 27th, 2024

Embodied Business: Tuesday, March 12th, 2024

Embodied Business: Tuesday, March 26th, 2024

Embodied Business: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024

Embodied Business: Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024

Embodied Business: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024

Last Call of Embodied Business: Tuesday, May 28th, 2024

Live Class Topics

The Somatics of Sales

Alchemizing Money Guilt & Shame

Making Perfectionism Your Bitch

Getting Clear As Fuck (by addressing double binds in the body)

Consensual & Turned On Copywriting 

Launch Strategics

Nuanced Leadership

…and more.

Embodied Business also has…

  1. 9 Modules with over 22 ninety-minute high-level classes on building your pleasure-based business.

Here is a taste of the class recordings waiting for you in the Embodied Business Modules:

  • Safety, Pleasure & Polyvagal Theory 

  • Your Why, the Villain, and Lineage

  • Nuanced Mindset Practices & Imposter Syndrome

  • Speaking to Your Fans & Group Coaching 

  • Launching with Pleasure 

  • Branding & Building an Audience

  • Consent Based Sales Pages

  • Pleasure Scheduling for Success

2. Three months of 5 days a week in-depth written business & leadership guidance with a journaling prompt to help you develop a writing practice – a core pleasure-based business strategy.

3. Weekly somatic exercises pulling from the techniques of bioenergetics and somatic experiencing to help you not only KNOW how to move your stuck places, but to EMBODY being the boss of your life and follow your FUCK YES.

4. An exclusive community of feminist witches in Wealth Alchemy, hosted in Facebook. Here you can ask for feedback, get coached by Luna, share struggles, ask questions, network, and cheer one another on closely held by trauma informed community guidelines.

5. Regular group challenges so you APPLY what you are learning. We are doing this work out loud, which will start attracting the right clients sooner than later!

6. The Gently Fierce Resource Toolkit

The Gently Fierce Toolkit encompasses the triple threat method of mindset, somatics and strategy. Along with podcasts, and business leaders and thinkers to follow. We are standing on the shoulders of giants in this work AND we get to carve our own unique path.

Success Spells

We’ll harness the magic of embodied goal setting in these monthly sessions. You’ll learn effective strategies for setting and achieving doable goals, creating a roadmap for success and building a foundation of self trust. Monthly meetings to provide consistent support and guidance! <3

Frequency: First Monday of the Month 3-4:30 PM

✨ BONUS for all you early enrollments 🥰 Everyone who signs up by February 4th can join a bonus Success Spells live class on Monday, February 5th – aka even before the official Embodied Business Witch kick off on Feb 13th! ✨

Success Spells Live Class Schedule

Success Spells: Monday, March 4th, 2024

Success Spells: Monday, April 1st, 2024

Success Spells: Monday, May 6th, 2024

Success Spells: Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Success Spells: Monday, July 1st, 2024

Success Spells: Monday, August, 5th

Success Spells: Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Success Spells: Monday, October 7th, 2024

Success Spells: Monday, November 4th, 2024

Success Spells: Monday, December 2nd, 2024

Wealth Alchemy

In Wealth Alchemy, we will uncover the transformative power of Wealth Alchemy. This series, starting in June, focuses on cultivating financial well-being, offering insights into wealth creation, embodying abundance and guiding participants on a journey towards financial alchemy.

Frequency: Tuesday 2-4 PM Eastern Time Zone

Wealth Alchemy Live Class Schedule

Wealth Alchemy: Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

Wealth Alchemy: Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024

Wealth Alchemy: Tuesday, August 20th

Wealth Alchemy: Tuesday, September 17th

Wealth Alchemy: Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

Wealth Alchemy: Tuesday, November 18th, 2024

Wealth Alchemy: Tuesday, December 17th, 2024

Wealth Alchemy: Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Note: While I have created a beautiful outline, class times and content are subject to sometimes shift and have rain dates!






Shauna Bennis_Boss Witch.png

sHAUNA A. Bennis

Irish by birth, Shauna (she/curious) grew up with a deep love for bad weather, a penchant for starting spontaneous kitchen dance parties, and the belief that there is nothing a good cup of tea can’t fix – sometimes just putting the kettle on is enough.

Calling herself the “emotional support Hufflepuff”, Shauna is always looking for ways to help align beliefs with desires, so that an authentic and inspired life (with integrity) is possible. Her favourite tools for this are Human Design and EFT Tapping.

Shauna is Luna’s main assistant and course support and will also appear as a guest teacher.



  1. Learn from a Sex Educator Who Gained Financial Success Outside of the Biz Industry

I’ve had financial and fulfilling success with offering courses on healing and comprehensive Sex Ed, not just teaching about business.

I see a lot of Business Coaches only making money by teaching other people how to make money, and it seems like a shallow and shady loop.

I know how to help you sell courses with outcomes seemingly less tangible than helping others make money, like helping your clients find more pleasure, healthier relationships, or learn tarot.

I’ve got you, brave creatives.


2. Business Support that is PLEASURE CENTERED, Somatically Supported, & Trauma Informed

Your business shouldn’t cause burnout.

Being a leader isn’t just about intellectualizing everything and regurgitating information. This course is about helping you get in touch with your greatest resource and ally, YOUR BODY.

Your body has wisdom. I’m here to help you lead a business from your FULL CONSENTING FUCK YES.

I’m here to help you lead a business with boundaries, connection, lineage, consent, justice, bravery, and oh so much pleasure.


3. Develop a Writing Practice, A Core Element to Entrepreneurship

What I see with a lot of business courses, or any online courses, is that they throw too much info at you OR they hardly give you any.

I’m offering you a lot, but in a step by step, over time through a daily practice of JOURNALING.

In somatics, we call this titration, giving you support in bite-size pieces that you can actually integrate rather than overwhelming your nervous system with a million steps.

Writing is the foundation of any business. From writing out your class, to writing back to clients, to writing a sales page, to writing a blog post.

It all starts with writing and this course is designed to help you commit to a daily writing practice, while asking the questions that help you build out a digital product and market it as you go.


4. A Sweet Freaking Deal

A course this comprehensive, and with this much community support, by industry standards, would be easily well over $3,000.

I value generosity and I aim to have an impact rather than limitless growth and price whatever I can “get away with.”


5. A Business & Leadership Course with Nuance

Tired of not making money, but also don’t want to learn from business coaches that seem to be so far from your values? Turned off by leaders who center money as the biggest marker of success? I want capitalism to end AND I know I need money along the way.

Now, I don’t want you to agree with me on everything. This course is not about replicating my business model. It’s not a 1, 2, 3, plug and chug template to success.

Business Witch is designed to lead you inward on the journey of self-inquiry, while digging for the root cause of your (and your clients’) suffering – aka, naming systems of oppression. So, instead of forming co-dependent bandaids in your business, you will be encouraged to create effective harm reduction strategies and sustainable solutions for the long game of embodied integrity.


6. A Business Course that is Comprehensive

I think there is great importance in creating small, specific offerings, but that’s not this course. I like to be myself and that looks like offering generous, sprawling courses that GO BIG.

This course guides you to:

  • attract an audience of humans that are stoked to buy from you

  • get clear on what digital products to make and how to build them out

  • market your digital product

  • keep your students ENGAGED with your digital product, helping them have RESULTS


This year-long live Pleasure Based Business mentorship, online course, and community membership will show you how you can access your unique kind of power and use it to set your business on fire – in the high impact, good & juicy, belly tingles kind of way.


“Luna is the kind of leader we need in this world, one who is intentional about their practice, caring of their community of followers, open to critical and constructive growth, and guiding others not to be codependent on them but towards the magic that exists in each of us.”

- Dalychia, co-founder of Afrosexology


Give me a year and I’ll take you along the path of an Embodied Business Witch…

As the leader of a Pleasure-Based Business, you’ll be invited to…

  • use your big desire to fuel a business that nurtures you AND your values.

  • address the shame and fear of your power so you can stop avoiding the responsibility.

  • learn how to market (without the sleaze), sell (without the guilt), and facilitate with confidence in your business.

  • build fierce business boundaries that scare off the wrong people and draw in the right people - and help you tell the difference.

  • step into leadership even when visibility feels scary.

  • get yourself out of overthinking aka systemic perfectionism and into CREATING and launching your next absolutely imperfect digital offering.

  • let go of some of the trauma, limiting beliefs, fears, and self-sabotaging behavior that is currently keeping you stuck in the company of #impostorsyndrome and martyrdom.

  • learn from others but make it your OWN to showcase your gifts.

  • normalize the human experience of running a business, without using it as an excuse not to show up.

  • rewrite the script of business. It doesn’t have to be long hours of grinding and following the rules. It’s about redefining and creating what YOU want to see.

Embodied Business Witch is a year long live online course and community membership designed to help you base your business in pleasure and feel less isolated as a leader.

Less systemic guilt, more abundance and impact.


Boss Witch has been renamed to Embodied Business Witch!



"I love the way how Luna coaches. I love the nuances and normality she brings in. For me it brings so much calmness and relaxation." - Mastermind client

“Luna does a tremendous job of creating a safe container to learn about the Self, to learn about the pursuit of pleasure, to learn about dismantling systems of injustice, and to learn about each individual's role in collective liberation. It is impossible not to get inspired in some way by Luna's infectious passion for life. Whether their energy hits you hard and fast like flashing lights and dance music or whether it washes over you like spring rain or a gentle stream, you will feel something special when you allow yourself to learn from and alongside Luna.

- Business Witch Student

Luna has helped me heal the subconscious blockages that have been holding me back my entire life. I now wake up everyday with motivation and purpose. I am becoming financially independent by doing what I love. I can't believe this is no longer a daydream!”
- Business Witch Student

“Your presence, your humanity and your vulnerability allow me to show up in ways I didn't dare before. To show up in front of myself, to admit to myself that I am hurt, that there is shame holding me back from connecting with people and showing up with my true radiant self. Your work helps me to get to know myself better und to love myself. I am deeply grateful for your work, it is a life changing gift to me.”

- Business Witch Student


Embodied Business Witch is for you if…

  • You are ready to have a loving, consensual relationship with money and your business and yourself and BASE YOUR BUSINESS IN PLEASURE.

  • You are wanting support from someone with a neurodivergent brain. ADHD here! You want support in building a business and pleasurable schedule that works for YOUUU.

  • You are ready to stop feeling such urgency and start feeling more right timing in your business.

  • you want to learn how to talk candidly with your audience rather than manipulate them into buying.

  • you want clarity on what digital offerings to create.

  • you’re feeling full with 1:1 clients and are reading to offer group programs!

  • you really want to make more money!

  • you are tired of apologizing for everything, but you are afraid of becoming a heartless, money-hungry monster.

  • you have big plans for yourself but you need help aligning with them.

  • you feel confused by all the “best practices” out there and finally want to tune into what YOU want in your business.

  • the thought of doing this feels equally exhilarating and scary – but you know that it’s time.

The world needs you to be your most whole, most accountable, most pleasurable self.

And so does your business.


“This course can lend you the space to build your shame resiliency, develop your capacity to deeply look within and fiercely believe in your boss witch dreams.

- Katherine Smith (Material Drifter), 2020


Who is Embodied Business NOT for?

  • Anyone expecting me to do everything for them or anyone unwilling to put in the work and invest in their vision.

  • Anyone who is unwilling to have Google be a close friend, or not willing to work a few hours a day on screens. In general, this course requires only a few hours per week. I will give you lots of tips and coach you to stick with it and make it work for you and YOUR needs, and there will still be things that are hard!

  • Anyone who is unwilling to do self-inquiry and check how they perpetuate systems of oppression. This isn’t your typical, infinite limit, “it’s JUST a mindset issue”, white feminism business course.

  • Cis men.

  • Anyone expecting this course to teach them about the complexity and nuance of intersectional feminism. That’s a whole other course. Actually a million other courses and a lifetime of work. I want people who care and center liberation in their work, but this isn’t the place to get extensive info on identity politics, history, etc.

  • ‌ Anyone who is not at all into witchiness. I’m NOT down with any beliefs that are victim blaming, gaslighting marginalized people, or any type of spiritual bypassing. With a background/degree in Biochemistry, I am passionate about carefully merging science, social justice and magic all together. I am student of Hermeticism, combining astrology, tarot and alchemy. This means I love the power of using intention and ritual to fill our lives with more meaning, pleasure, love and money. Business Witch is from a holistic approach, and energetics, mindset, and ritual are abundantly dusted throughout.


You don’t need to do it all alone. You don’t need to be exhausted. You don’t need to be perfect.

You get to show up and create with pleasure.



> When does the course begin?

You can access the preparatory materials of the course immediately. The official container begins February 5th 2024. (see welcome area within the course for details).

> What if I can't make it to the live classes?

That's okay! While I would love and encourage you to try to attend live as much as you can, it's not a problem. A recording will be sent out within a few days of the live class.

> How long do I have access to the course?

You will have access to the online course materials and access to the live community for 1 year.

> What if this feels scary? Is it still right for me?

It’s okay to be scared! However, I recommend choosing this course as an act of self love rather than a "THIS WILL FIX MY PROBLEM" solution.

You aren't a problem to solve! But if you don't want to do it alone and want a lot more pleasure and support, come join us.

EVERYTHING in this offering is an invitation. Business Witch is designed to support you as you tune into your own wisdom.

My approach is very gentle and fierce, and I will remind you again and again that you get to choose what feels right to try AND to trust your timing.

> I run an in-person brick and mortar business, is this for me?

Yes/And! Brick and mortar business can still use A LOT of online presence support to market themselves, which we focus on a lot in this course. While not everything in this course may directly be for you unless you are also looking to bring your offerings online in the form of a class, ebook or course, there is still SO MUCH in here for you. We will be focused a lot on the nuanced mindset, nervous system and somatic support it takes to run a business regardless of it being online or in person.

> Do you offer refunds?

As per industry standard, we do not offer refunds for digital content that can be downloaded and viewed. Because of this, I ask that you shop mindfully.

If you join a payment plan, you are agreeing to pay the full amount.

> Will this be a space to openly discuss anything at all?

No. I will do my best to hold the group container accountable, but I can’t and won’t guarantee a space free from triggering content.

This course is not an open container to process anything and everything. For example, it's not a space for white folks processing their white guilt and how to be more anti-racist because this course is for everyone; it's not a place to center the white experience on how to better show up. However, there will be a long list of community guidelines and a system for accountability for folks to pair up and find shared reality.

For example, white folks can share their white guilt with other white folks and/or Black folks can pair up to vent around racism. However, any BiPOC is most welcome to call out any racism in the community at me or anyone, and I will faciliate and take actions as neccessary.

However, the community is only one small portion of this entire course. The journal prompts, somatic exercises, live classes and Q&As offer so much that if the community is not something that feels right for you, there are still so many ways to learn.

> Is this offering just for women?

Nope. This course is for women, trans folks and nonbinary humans. Aka it's for everyone besides cis men. If you can enjoy lots of big FEMME energy coming from a nonbinary woman who is a recovering people pleaser socialized as a woman, then you can get something out of this course. Racism, ableism, transphobia, fatphobia, sexism, etc. will be called in, and repeat actions will result in removal from the course.

> Does this class discuss insurance, trademarking, or taxes?

No. While all of these things are an important part of running a business, that is not my area of expertise. A list of some resources will be included on where to get info and support.

> Do you offer any scholarships?

Yes. I am offering a few need-based full and half scholarships for BIPoC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color). If this applies to you, please click here to learn more and apply by January 23rd, 2024.

> I want to learn to become a sex educator like you, will you be teaching that?

No. This course isn't like a sex education certification, it's a pleasure based business course that can be applied by any activist, healer, artist, creative, sex educator, etc. who wants to run a business that serves their community and pays their bills.

> Do your videos have closed captions?

Yes, my classes currently offer live transcriptions.

> Disclaimer:

Please cite and give credit to all sources when referencing Business Witch materials, spoken or written words, conversations, images, or their likeness.

All intellectual property and related material (the "Intellectual Property") that is developed or produced in this course is the sole property of me, the facilitator. Copyright, intellectual property rights and distribution rights of the Intellectual Property remain exclusively with the course facilitator.

Live classes will be recorded and used for future iterations of this course.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask:



"Working with you was the most nourishing thing I gifted myself with. […]
Often when we enter a time-wise long container, we have some highlight moments or sessions which stand out while many others are less recognizable/shifting. I can say that EVERY single session shifted something within me and gifted me with something very important. I was regularly blown away by the on-pointness by your voice-notes. I loved how our work deepened over time. I love how it would deepen in the future. I would instantly work with you again. No doubt, no hesitation. Just deep appreciation and love. It is a beautiful feeling to have you by my side. "

– 1:1 client

"I feel really supported and motivated in Boss Witch- I feel like it's reignited my passion for my business. The journaling prompts and somatic exercises are giving me so much clarity around what I really want, my values in my business, limiting beliefs, shame and how to communicate more effectively with the people I want to help. I LOVE love that it's not just a business course where you tell us what to do, this is wayyyy more helpful than that!!"
- Boss Witch Student

"Working with luna is great in many ways. They have a very gentle, respectful way of helping you move forward, at your own pace, while you figure out what it is you want to do next. Their energy is contagious and so is their confidence (something I personally struggle with). Boss Witch is the second course I take with them and I'm hoping it won't be the last ;)"

- Boss Witch Student, 2020

"This course has been such an incredible and informative experience. I feel like I have a viable place to start in creating my digital content. I feel inspired to keep searching my soul and curating content that speaks my truth. Luna is such a well-spoken, intelligent and passionate teacher I can't help but get excited for their journal prompts and especially for the awesome live video calls surrounded by other badass boss witches, as we grow together collectively."

- Boss Witch Student, 2020


Embodied Business is birthed out of my desire to create a comprehensive AND nuanced course on the business and leadership of digital products from a liberation framework.

From getting clear on your why to setting boundaries to making your work sustainable.

From building life-changing habits for accountability to believing in yourself so you can confidently serve.

From the nuts and bolts of creating digital products to facilitating them so your community stays engaged and takes action rooted in their values.

This work is fueled by joy, passion and care.

Would you like to join me in Pleasure-Based Business?



Are you ready for more pleasure, abundance and integrity?!

In Embodied Business Witch: More Money, More Magic, this year long mentorship course, I will help you base your business in pleasure so that you can…

  • build your capacity to sell whether you are feeling fabulous or frumpy

  • grow deep somatic roots that weather the seasons of business, visibility, and leadership 

  • get clear as fuck in your goals and trust in yourself so you can bring in more money and more magic!
