Featured in VICE's Slutever "Ecosexuality"


Featured in Barcroft TV Special on Polyamory


The Sexually Liberated Woman Podcast

Ev'Yan chats with an ecosexual femme Luna Dietrich ( @pusssywitch ), who is in a sexual relationship with the earth. They talk about what ecosexuality is, what it looks like in practice, and how Luna embodies and honors this sexual identity on her own terms. They also talk about how this sensual relationship with nature is available and accessible to all of us and Luna gives us some suggestions on how we can connect with our sexuality through nature.


Teacher, Writer, and Sexual Empowerment Coach Luna Dietrich joins Living Open to talk about witchcraft and pleasure. We talk about her challenging journey with sex, having cosmic orgasms, creating more pleasure, difficulty with receiving, abundance + lack in the spiritual world, sex magick, plant medicine, letting yourself shift, and more!  Follow her on Instagram and her website. Follow Living Open on Instagram and the website!

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