Pussy Witch Highlights: Fuck “Foreplay”, Wildest Fantasies, and Loving Fiercely
Hey there cutie! Welcome to this month’s Pussy Witch Highlights. December happened so fast just like the rest of the year, so I have been compiling the top instagram posts from the past month for your viewing pleasure! Fuck yes to making life a little simpler and a hell of a lot more sexy.
Highlights of December 2018
Thoughts on Foreplay
Fuck “foreplay.” Because this term insinuates that it’s “before” another, more final sex act...Making the assumption that a sexual encounter is linear, often the end goal being penetration or orgasm, with the heteronormative mindset of “penis in vagina sex.” I will say it again, maybe a thousand more times, there is so much more to sex than penis and vagina penetration...(I personally didn’t really understand this concept until I started having sex with a woman). But! Whatever your definition of “sex” is right now... why not E X P A N D it even more? Why have such a limited boxed up definition for something so existential?
Thoughts on the Pussy Void
Photo by @almestal
Have you thought about how a vagina is defined by a canal? Meaning, it’s the SPACE between the walls. It’s emptiness. The void.
I find this so incredibly beautiful. Getting comfortable with this realization makes me feel all dreamy and full of metaphors. It inspires me to touch into what emptiness means to me. Like in meditation, the space between thoughts. Or when in a argument with a lover, the sacred pause... slowing down to take a breath before uttering that hurtful thing and how that one moment can shift EVERYTHING. Emptiness is a portal of possibilities. Like hibernating in winter, taking time to reflect, to be alone, just to bloom once again come spring, more luscious than ever.
Now feels like such a wonderful time to turn inward, slow down and listen to my intuition. Unrelated to my gender, I love feeling connected to my Pussy, my portal. If you are feeling the pull to connect more deeply, I invite you to step into the freaking vastness and mystery of what is to come next.
Thoughts on Self Love and Shared Humanity
One important way I practice self love is remembering my “shared humanity.” Remembering that whatever I am feeling is most definitely not unique to me. Every challenging feeling you or I have ever felt about sex, relationship, life, money, work, anything...someone else has felt that too. Anxiety, grief, jealousy, frustration, rage, exhaustion, confusion...we are seriously not alone in these emotions! This is the practice of noticing when we do experience the challenging emotions to remind ourselves that we aren’t alone in these feels, that they connect us to other humans rather than isolate us.
It’s so common for me to feel isolated when I spiral down into the realms of icky emotions. Whether I am worrying about being liked, concerned about not having sexual desire, or feeling bad for not “doing enough for the world”… it’s so common for me to just simply feel sunk. However, when I remember my shared humanity and that absolutely no one has it all figured out or feels awesome all of the time, I can muster more self-compassion. I feel more woven into the web of humanity and can hold better space for my feels.
Thoughts on My Wildest Fantasy
What are your wildest fantasies? Do you know what makes you come alive? Have you admitted your desires and fantasies to yourself? To friends? Lovers? Partners?
I recently was in a workshop where we were asked this question and I honestly didn’t feel like writing about something explicitly sexual but wanted to channel and write about living intimately with the land in community I love and trust where everything I do is in ritual and intention, the land is my lover, my whole community I am in sacred relationship with. It felt so vulnerable to write it all out. I have been desiring and craving this for years and years...and to write it down on paper with such detail and then have someone else speak it out loud anonymously made me want to run and hide. But then when I heard others read it, I heard resonance. The “mmmm...yeah, that’s dream” the cooing, the obvious excitement made me feel not alone. Made me remember it is okay to dream big and desire things, things that are vulnerable and scary and maybe will never happen. That’s life. We still got to feel and name what we want. Writing and sharing and working towards our biggest fantasies will not guarantee them to happen...but it drastically increases the likelihood that they will.
With all of that being said... what are your desires? I would be honored to have you share. Even though I may not get back to you, I read everything!
Thoughts on Fierce Love
Whether it’s loving yourself fiercely and ending that shitty relationship or if it’s letting your heart break open even though it’s been hurt before and you feel terrified, you know what you need.....and the time is now.
Because this all ends.
For what is love and what is life without death?
We fell in love hard. Some people walk into love, but we definitely fell. After being close friends, living together in a community house for years, one day, on a full moon (seriously), the curtain was lifted. It was like we saw each other for the first time. We shared ridiculously similarly visions, both wanting to step it up as s.e.x educators, bring our work online and share our passion with the masses. Realizing the full potential of our connection, our business relationship and our erotic chemistry both exploded pretty instantaneously. Fast forward a few years...now with our lives interwoven, if we aren’t intentional, it can be real difficult to keep our mutual attraction alive.
With this, we have acquired MANY skills to intentionally craft our connection, keeping our hearts wide open and our s e x life surreal. It’s not always easy, but this brave love feels damn right. We want to share with you our personal wisdom and our combined knowledge to bring both mind blowing passion and deep intimacy into YOUR love life. #meow Thats why we created the Embodied Lover Course, a two month online experiential journey to inspire your s e x life to meet your deepest longest and wildest fantasies for lovers of all identifies... and enrollment is officially open!!!!!! #theembodiedloverscourse #embodiedlovers
Take This Work to a Deeper Level
Pleasure Witch Academy, my 3-month online course and community for deep integration and guidance, is currently open for enrollment.
If you feel in your body that you are ready to prioritize what feels good to you; if you are ready to name what you want; if you are ready to actively build and pursue the life you desire….
Then Pleasure Witch Academy is for you.