Pussy Witch Highlights: BDSM, Period Sex, and Dealing with Jealousy
Hey there gorgeous! Welcome to the first instalment of Pussy Witch Highlights. Sometimes is can be confusing to find the information or the support you need when it is spread across many platforms. That’s why I have decided to curate a monthly collection of my most helpful and popular Instagram postings on the blog, to help you find what you were looking for in one place. Fuck yes to making life a little simpler!
Photo of me and my bloody Pussy by @taylorclarkjohnson styled by @grammagicallycorrect
Thoughts on Period Sex
🌹What are your feels on period sex? Yay or nay? Personally I’m all about it but because of stigma I used to think it was gross! What switched it for me was someone sharing that they made period sex into a little bit of kinky fun. Just the thought of that made the blood no longer embarrassing and instead erotic. Now I just throw down a towel, do it in the shower, or on spontaneous occasions...be outside. If you used to think period sex was too taboo and no longer do, what switched it for you? I know some people struggle with this, so your shares could be super helpful.🌹🌹🌹
Old photo of me in my old bedroom where Pussy Witch was birthed!
Thoughts on BDSM
There are a lot of common misconceptions about bdsm. For example, the idea that people who engage in this type of play have something “wrong” with them. First of all, that is inherently bullshit.
And second, there IS something wrong... living in the white supremacist capitalist industrial complex! Horrible power dynamics exist everywhere... so why not fuck with these dynamics...?! Intentionally and consensually, while making it healing and pleasurable... or whatever you want!☺️
For example, I often get distracted during sex. My mind is very active and it can be hard to tell this Virgo brain filled with “to do” lists to just shut the fuck up and enjoy the moment. Well, when I intentionally and consensually sub it can be sooo healing and pleasurable to just take directions!!!
My brain can focus on the task at hand 🤓...and therefore have more perception to the Pleasure available in the moment. Finding a way to feel pleasure and connection in the moment...is a form of political resistance. #pleasureispolitical
When I’m in the mood to Dom, it feels freaking good to challenge sexism within my intimate relationships (consensually, of course) and ask for alll of the things. 😍
What I love so much is that this type of play requires lots of communication and presence. Kink is sacred and power is meant to be shared...and fucked with. ✨✨✨#kinkissacred #powerplay#bondage
Thoughts on Jealousy
Jealousy isn’t bad. It’s totally okay to feel jealous or when a partner feels jealous, but it’s not really a sign of love. Jealousy is a teacher and what we do this feeling/energy matters!
✨Confession, I used to get worried if my partner didn’t feel jealous of me loving other people! Maybe that sounds wild to you, but it’s true. Toxic monogamy culture taught me that partners must be jealous in order to care about me. Ugh. #Nope Thankfully, I choose some pretty awesome people to spend time with who help me slowly rewrite this message. #arewethereyet?!
Jealousy is powerful medicine I have been working with in this lifetime, and it has been a fucking challenging teacher for me while navigating poly. I need to be careful not to manipulate my partners with my big feels!! How? Lots of self awareness, self care, rewriting old stories... and practicing compersion!!
Compersion, the feeling of joy by seeing another’s joy and/or a loved one’s love for another! It’s possible and it’s kind of like a muscle... it usually needs to be worked out in order to get strong. ☺️
Do you ever practice compersion with your lover(s)? What’s your favorite way to practice? What have you learned?
Photo of us by @wildwolfleatherwork ✨
Thoughts on Consent
This monkey and I taught a workshop today about consent in relationships. There is always more space to be really honest with one another, asking for what we actually want and practicing hearing and saying “yes” and “no.” Practicing saying these simple words can be so powerful!
We dive into this in our Embodied Lover’s Online Course coming out this winter.
Thoughts on Codependency
Get in touch with someone you love. ✨
In the past I have definitely fallen into patterns of unhealthy codependency rather than supportive and thriving relationships. Having real transparent check ins with ourselves and our people is just necessary!
What would you add to this this list? I love hearing you share wisdom. It’s always such an honor. Seriously, thank you for being here in the way that you are. 🔮
Thoughts on Lack of Desire
It’s okay to have little or absolutely no desire for sex. It is normal. You don’t have to feel sexual. You don’t have to feel social.
Our culture puts immense pressure on us for being passionate and turned on... all of the time. For many of us it’s super unrealistic. My passion is self care and my priority is self awareness. What I wanted last week, I may not be what I want this week.
Often, when I feel stressed or triggered, I have no interest in sex, or even connection with others. So, if you are worried about having little desire, focus on taking care of yourself first. Focus on things that help you feel in good relationship with your you ...and take any pressure off of sex. We are constantly changing and always worthy.
I ask you this again and again because I want to invite you to stop scrolling for a moment and reflect on your you. What are you needing today?
#keepfeeling #appalachia
It’s a wrap! These were just a select few of the topics we discussed over on the Pussy Witch Instagram page and if these are conversations you think are worth having, then I would love to have you share your thoughts and wisdom with us!
Take This Work to a Deeper Level
Pleasure Witch Academy, my 3-month online course and community for deep integration and guidance, is currently open for enrollment.
If you feel in your body that you are ready to prioritize what feels good to you; if you are ready to name what you want; if you are ready to actively build and pursue the life you desire….
Then Pleasure Witch Academy is for you.