What Pleasure Oppression, Hustle Culture & Leader Isolation look like in business…

  • Staying stuck due to your fear of failure and criticism.

  • Cringing, shamefaced, while navigating the horrors of living under capitalism, feeling like a fraud or a monster for even considering asking to be paid.

  • Playing small from impostor syndrome; when there is so much out there, what does one have to say or contribute, anyway? How could anyone possibly know enough? What if we HURT someone?

  • Hearing the word marketing and slowly starting to d i s s o c i a t e because it feels sleazy.

  • Tired of business coaches who lack nuance, don’t name privilege, white supremacy, or any system of oppression, and just focus on mindset without addressing the root cause of our struggles.

  • Building a business on trauma, shame and fear rather than our desires and hopes for a different world.

  • Operating out of systemic urgency and cultural anxiety and feeling pressured to perform and produce in a certain amount of time and in a certain way, rather than creating and letting it unfold in a way that uniquely suits you, your body, and your business.

  • Slowly eaten alive by dreaded work … there isn’t any other way, right?! Capitalism sucks and there is absolutely no way to make this better, so better suck it up and endure the gigs we get.

  • It must be done all alone. It feels like you can’t ask for help; if someone helps you then you will be indebted, manipulated, controlled, oh my! Psst. There is no such thing as being “self-made.”

  • Exhausted from the grind of 1:1 work and/or doing in-person classes isn’t possible right now. It would be GREAT to have your work reach more people AND financially uplift you.

It doesn’t have to be this way.